NWIN #39 – June 2009

Chenoa Egawa, Lummi Tribal member, hosts the program from the Paschal Sherman Indian School on the Colville Indian Reservation during the Sunflower Festival.

NWIN 39 stories:

“Klamath River Dam Removal” The Klamath, Kurok and Yurok Tribes are part of an historic agreement that, in part, will restore salmon to the upper reaches of the Klamath River. Developed by a broad based coalition of farmers, ranchers, environmentalists, tribes and government agencies; the agreement promises sustainable ‘shared use’ solutions for the Klamath River Basin.

“Tulalip Coast Guard Training” Tulalip police officers will be working one day out of a police cruiser… and the next day:… patrolling the fishing grounds on a powerboat. Now, a Coast Guard certified training course helps the officers ‘brush up’ on navigation and management techniques while on Puget Sound.

Pacific Coast Scenic Byway Workshop  Even though the travel industry, worldwide, is experiencing an economic downturn, aboriginal tourism continues to be one of the fastest growing areas of tourism; overall. Today, state, local and private industries are working with area tribes to attract more visitors to the Olympic Peninsula.

“West Coast American Indian Music Awards” Some people think of pow wow drumming as the only kind of music commonly heard on Indian reservations,… but that stereotype was dismissed as Rythm and Blues, pop, and hip hop among other genres, were featured at the West Coast American Indian Music Awards.